Accueil > Mes auteurs favoris > Fredric Brown (1906 — 1972) > Il y a encore des inédits de Fredric Brown en français
Il y a encore des inédits de Fredric Brown en français
mercredi 29 novembre 2023, par
Fredric Brown
Fredric Brown
fut très prolifique tant en polar qu’en SF. Et les éditeurs français n’en sont pas encore venus à bout. D’autant plus que, parait-il, ses ayant-droit sont exigeants.
Bref. Voici une liste de titres qui ne sont sans doute pas disponibles en français. Quoique ! certains éditeur ayant omis de fournir les titres originaux...
- Crag
- Mitkey 2 : Mitkey Rides Again (Planet Stories, novembre 1950 1950 — Illustrations de Vestal.)
- Two Timer (1954 1954 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller (initialement publiées dans Michigan Well Driller)
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Solves a Problem (1936 1936 )
- Munchdriller’s Vacuum Vengeance... (1936 1936 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Finds a Cold Answer to a Hot Problem (1936 1936 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Sinks First Horizontal Well Known to History (1936 1936 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Drills a Portable Well... (1936 1936 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller ...Fights Fire with Fizz... (1937 1937 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Saves ’Ozzie’ from Digging Clear to China (1937 1937 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Gets Water (1937 1937 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Harnesses a Thunderbolt (1937 1937 )
- V.O.N. Munchdriller Does It the Otter Way ! (1937 1937 )
- William Z. Williams (publiées initialement dans Excavating engineer) [1]
- Business Is Booming (Nov. 1936 1936 ) : William Z. Williams, super-shovel-salesman, overcomes difficulties with much the ease of the renowned Alexander Botts
- We’ve Tried Everything ! (Feb. 1937 1937 ) : William Z. Williams trys his hand at directing a shorel epic for the movies, and gets into his customary difficulties. The second in this fiction series.
- But You Never Know (1937 1937 )
- The Worst is Yet to Come (juin 1937 1937 )
- Something May Happen (1937 1937 )
- Wait and Pray (1937 1937 )
- This Will Surprise You (1937 1937 )
- Bear with Us (1938 1938 )
- Hot Air Rises (1938 1938 )
- Nothing Is Impossible (1938 1938 )
- Hex Marks the Spot (1940 1940 )
- « Everything Is Ducky » (1942)
- Teacup Trouble (1940 1940 )
- Not Yet the End (1941 1941 )
- Your Name in Gold (1941 1941 )
- The Spherical Ghoul (1943 1943 )
- The Angelic Angleworm (1943 1943 )
- Whistler’s Murder (1946)
- What Mad Universe (1948 1948 )
- The Frownzly Florgels (1950 1950 )
- Six-Legged Svengali (1950 1950 ) with Mack Reynolds
- The Gamblers (1951 1951 ) with Mack Reynolds
- The Hatchetman (1951 1951 ) with Mack Reynolds
- The Robot, the Girl, the Poet, and the Android (play) (1952 1952 ) with Fritz Leiber and Judith Merril
- Reconciliation (1954 1954 )
- Solipsist (1954 1954 )
- Double Whammy (1954 1954 )
- Killers Three : The Perfect Crime (1955 1955 )
- Happy Ending (1957 1957 ) with Mack Reynolds
- The Devil Times Three (1959 1959 )
- Horse Race (1961 1961 )
- How Tagrid Got There (1986 1986 )
- A Woman’s a Two-Face (1990 1990 )
- Report To Earth (1990 1990 )
- Human Interest Story (1991 1991 )
- The Greatest Poem Ever Written (2008 2008 )
- Poems
- Gifts (1932 1932 )
- Hauteur (1932 1932 )
- Interlude (1932 1932 )
- Kol Nidre (1932 1932 )
- Melodie Moderne (1932 1932 )
- Midnight Sonata (1932 1932 )
- Ode to a Stuffed Owl (1932 1932 )
- Red Wine (1932 1932 )
- Rhapsody (1932 1932 )
- Romance (1932 1932 )
- Slow Awakening (1932 1932 )
- The Battle of the Lamp Posts (1932 1932 )
- Unheard Serenade (1932 1932 )
- Imagine (1955 1955 )
- Introductions et autres Postfaces
- PS’s Feature Flash
- P.S.’s Feature Flash (Planet Stories, Spring 1942) (1942)
- Essays
- Letter (Author & Journalist, October 1940 1940 ) : After Superman, What ? (1940 1940 )
- The Story Behind the Story : Daymare (1943 1943 )
- Why I Selected- Nothing Sirius (1949 1949 )
- Contributors... (1950 1950 )
- Introduction (Space on My Hands) (1951 1951 )
- Introduction (Human ?) (1954 1954 )
- Letter (Astounding/Analog, June 1960 1960 ) (1960 1960 )
- Guest Editorial : Toward a Definition of Science Fiction (1963 1963 )
- It’s Only Everything (1965 1965 )
- Romans policiers
- Nouvelles policières
- The Jabberwocky Murders (1944)
- Murder While You Wait (1944)
- Mr. Smith Kicks the Bucket (1944)
- The Night the World Ended (1945 1945 )
- The Dangerous People (1945 1945 )
- Miss Darkness (1947 1947 )
- A Voice Behind Him (1947 1947 )
- Don’t Look Behind You (1947 1947 )
- The Laughing Butcher (1948 1948 )
- Good Night, Good Knight (1949 1949 )
- Murder and Matilda (1949 1949 )
- The Case of the Dancing Sandwiches (1950 1950 )
- The Pickled Punks (1953 1953 )
- Witness in the Dark (1953 1953 )
- Of Time and Eustace Weaver (1961 1961 )
- Mistake (1963 1963 )
Liste établie d’après les informations disponibles sur ISFDB. Je me suis toutefois permis de supprimer les références à des œuvres parues après la mort de l’auteur.
[1] J’ai l’ensemble des textes à ma disposition. Si jamais cela interresse un éditeur...