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Amazing Stories — 1932 (mensuel)
jeudi 23 novembre 2023, par Denis Blaizot
Amazing Stories — 1931 (mensuel)
Janvier 1932
- Harl vincent : Power
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Charles R. Tanner : Tumitak of the corridors
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°1. Pygmalion
- Paul H. Lovering : The Inevitable Conflict (1/2)
- In the Realm of Books
- Discussions
Février 1932
- Capt. S. P. Meek U.S.A. : Troyana(1/3)
- Davis H. Keller M.D. : The pent house
- John Francis Kalland : The sages of Eros
- Murray Leinster : The Racketeer Ray
- Neil R. Jones : The planet of the double sun
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Harley S. Aldinger : The heritage of the earth
- Discussions
- In the Realm of Books
Mars 1932
- Francis flagg : The cities of Ardathia
- A. H. Johnson : The light from infinity
- Capt. S. P. Meek U.S.A. : Troyana(2/3)
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°2. « The gorgons »
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Ralph Milne Farley : The Degravitator
- Discussions
- In the Realm of Books
Avril 1932
- Miles J. Breuer, M.D : Mechanocracy
- Bob Olsen : Seven sunstrokes
- John B. Harris : The lost machine
- Robert A. Wait : Cosmic steeple-chase
- Capt. S. P. Meek U.S.A. : Troyana(3/3)
- In the Realm of Books
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Discussions
Mai 1932
- David H. Keller, M.D : The metal doom (1/3)
- Neil R. Jones : The return of the tripeds
- Miles J. Breuer, M.D : The perfect planet
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°3. Daedalus and Icarus
- James M. Corbett : The cave of Pele
- Stephen G. Hale : World adrift
- Ben Aronin : The doubt
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
Juin 1932
- John Edwards : Master of the Earth
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°4. Phaeton
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- William Lemkin Ph. D. : A matter of nerves
- David H. Keller, M.D : The metal doom (2/3)
- V. R. Eberhart : Red moon (Poem)
- Murray Leinster : Politics
- In the Realm of Books
- Discussions
Juillet 1932
- Hart Vincent : Thia of the Drylands
- Bertrand L. Shurtleff : North of Matto Grosso
- David H. Keller, M.D : The metal doom (3/3)
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°5. The Sacred Cloak of Feathers
- Francis flagg : The Resistant Ray
- Warren E. Sanders : Sheridan Becomes Ambassador
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Amellia Reynolds Long : Omega
- Discussions
Août 1932
- Charles Cloukey : The Swordsman of Sarvon (1/3)
- Max Kaufman : Atoms (a Poem)
- John W. Campbell, Jr : The Last Evolution
- V. R. Eberhart : Red Moon (A Poem)
- Edwin K. Sloat : Beyond the Planetoids
- Walter Kateley : Room for the Super Race
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Bob Olsen : The Purple Monsters
- Discussions
- In the Realm of Books
Septembre 1932
- Jack Williamson : The Lady of Light
- Joe W. Skidmore : The Romance of Post and Nega
- J.Lewis Burt, B. Sc. : The Lemurian documents N°6. Prometheus
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Neil R. Jones : Suicide Durkee’s Last Ride
- Charles Cloukey : The Swordsman of Sarvon (2/3)
- Discussions
- In the Realm of Books
Octobre 1932
- Edmond Hamilton : Space Rocket Murders
- Howard Melvin Fast : Wrath of the Purple
- Leslie F. Slone : The Man Who Fought a Fly
- Donald Hinson : Upward (A Poem)
-* R. I. Melhorn : Infra-Calorescence - Charles Cloukey : The Swordsman of Sarvon (3/3)
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Eando Binder : The First Martian
- J. David Reid : The Great Invasion of 1955
- Discussions
Novembre 1932
- William Lemkin Ph. D. : The Doom of Lun-Dhag
- Miles J. Breuer, M.D : The Finger of the Past
- William Kober : The Man Who Lived Twice
- Bob Olsen : Captain Brink of the Space Marines
- Science Questionnaire : What Do You Know ?
- Ed. Earl Repp : World of the Living Dead (1/2)
- Discussions
Décembre 1932
- Ed. Earl Repp : World of the Living Dead (2/2)
- Alcuin Dornisch : Solarius
- David H. Keller, M.D : No More Tomorrows
- Edward Podolsky : Death by Radio
- Hart Vincent : Roadways of Mars
- Max Kaufman : From Tales of Specks of Dust (A Poem)
- Sophie Wenzel Ellis : The Shadow World
- Questionnaire
- H. M. Crimp : The Call to Migrate
- Edwin K. Sloat : The Vibration
- C. A. Brandt : In the Realm of Books
- Discussions
Amazing Stories — 1933 (mensuel)