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David Wright O’Brien
David Wright O’Brien (1918
-1944) est un écrivain américain de fantasy et de science-fiction. Neveu de Farnsworth Wright
Farnsworth Wright
Farnsworth Wright (July 29, 1888 – June 12, 1940) était un éditeur, critique, anthologiste...
Son travail d’écrivain est dans l’ensemble oublié. Il faut dire qu’il n’est pas très conséquent. Seulement sept nouvelles et six poèmes sont répertoriés sur mais il en exite au moins une autre publiée dans Munsey’s Magazine.
, rédacteur en chef de Weird Tales, il a 22 ans lorsque sa première histoire (« Truth Is a Plague ! ») paraît dans le numéro de février 1940
de Amazing Stories. Entre janvier 1941
et août 1942, il a publié plus de cinquante-sept histoires dans des magazines de pulps comme Amazing Stories et Fantastic Adventures, la plupart écrites sous les noms de plume de John York Cabot, Duncan Farnsworth, Clee Garson et Richard Vardon. Certaines de ces histoires ont été coécrites avec son ami William P. McGivern, avec qui O’Brien partageait un bureau à Chicago. Il a continué à écrire même après s’être engagé dans l’armée de l’air américaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ajoutant « caporal » devant tous ses pseudonymes. O’Brien est mort à l’âge de vingt-six ans, lors d’un bombardement au-dessus de Berlin.
- John York Cabot
- Cpl. John York Cabot
- Bruce Dennis
- Duncan Farnsworth
- Cpl. Duncan Farnsworth
- Duncan T. Farnsworth
- Clee Garson
- Cpl. David Wright O’Brien
- D. W. O’Brien
- Richard Vardon
Short Fiction
- Sergeant Shane
- The Man the World Forgot (1940 1940 )
- Treasure Trove in Time (1940 1940 )
- Truth Is a Plague ! (1940 1940 )
- Fish Men of Venus (1940 1940 )
- John Brown’s Body (1940 1940 ) with William P. McGivern
- Trapped on Titan (1940 1940 )
- Suicide Squadrons of Space (1940 1940 )
- The Strange Voyage of Hector Squinch (1940 1940 )
- Bill of Rights, 5000 A.D. (1941 1941 )
- Miracle at Dunkirk (1941 1941 )
- Problem on Mars (1941 1941 )
- The Genius of Mr. Pry (1941 1941 )
- The Goddess of Love (1941 1941 )
- The Man Who Murdered Himself (1941 1941 )
- The Thought Robot (1941 1941 )
- The Truthful Liar (1941 1941 )
- Three Terrible People (1941 1941 )
- Twenty-Fifth Century Sherlock (1941 1941 )
- Hammer of the Gods (1941 1941 )
- Skidmore’s Strange Experiment (1941 1941 )
- The Floating Robot (1941 1941 )
- The Last Analysis (1941 1941 )
- Beyond the Time Door (1941 1941 )
- Murder in the Past (1941 1941 )
- The Man Who Lived Next Week (1941 1941 )
- Return of the Space Hawk (1941 1941 )
- Secret of the Lost Planet (1941 1941 )
- The Man Who Forgot (1941 1941 )
- Pepper Pot Planet (1941 1941 )
- 10 Seconds from Nowhere (1941 1941 )
- Mr. Muddle Does As He Pleases (1941 1941 ) with William P. McGivern
- The Man Who Got Everything (1941 1941 )
- Ferdinand Finknodle’s Perfect Day (1941 1941 )
- Mystery of the Mummy (1941 1941 )
- Nicolbee’s Nightmare (1941 1941 )
- Rayhouse in Space (1941 1941 )
- The Beauty and the Beasties (1941 1941 )
- Afraid to Live (1942)
- Cupid Takes a Holiday (1942)
- Daughter of the Snake God (1942) with William P. McGivern
- Madagascar Ghost (1942)
- Marlow’s Malicious Mirror (1942)
- Mr. Hibbard’s Magic Hat (1942)
- Sharbeau’s Startling Statue (1942)
- Talu’s Fan (1942)
- That Dreadful Night (1942)
- The Daughter of Genghis Khan (1942)
- The Fantastic Twins (1942)
- The Giant from Jupiter (1942) with William P. McGivern
- The Incredible Antique (1942)
- The Legend of Mark Shayne (1942)
- The Outsiders (1942)
- The Tenant on the 13th Floor (1942)
- V is for Vengeance (1942)
- Q Ship of Space (1942)
- Spook for Yourself (1942)
- Suicide Ship to Earth (1942)
- The Living Manikins (1942)
- The Man Who Changed History (1942)
- Lord of the Crystal Bow (1942)
- Return of Joan of Arc (1942)
- Twenty-Four Terrible Hours (1942)
- The Incredible Mr. Kismet (1942)
- Blitzkrieg in the Past (1942)
- Hokum Hotel (1942)
- Squadron of the Damned (1942)
- Creegar Dares to Die (1942)
- The Case of Jonathan Lane (1942)
- Resurrection from Hell (1942)
- Flight from Farisha (1942)
- Pegasus Plays Priorities (1942)
- Club of the Damned (1943 1943 )
- Direct Wire (1943 1943 )
- Have You Seen Me ? (1943 1943 )
- Saunders’ Strange Second Sight (1943 1943 )
- The Great Train Robbery (1943 1943 )
- The Last Case of Jules de Granjerque (1943 1943 )
- The Merchant of Venus (1943 1943 )
- The Money Machine (1943 1943 )
- The Other Abner Small (1943 1943 )
- Trail of the Magic Slippers (1943 1943 )
- Where in the Warehouse ? (1943 1943 )
- Mister Trouble (1943 1943 )
- Rats in the Belfry (1943 1943 )
- Yesterday’s Clock (1943 1943 )
- Bring Back My Body (1943 1943 )
- Victory from the Void (1943 1943 ) with William P. McGivern
- Furlough from Eternity (1943 1943 )
- Periscope Prey (1943 1943 )
- The Curious Coat (1943 1943 )
- Stenton’s Shadow (1943 1943 )
- The Devil’s Planet (1943 1943 )
- I’ll See You Again (1944)
- Matches and Kings (1944)
- Time on Your Hands (1944)
- The Place Is Familiar (1944)
- Private Prune Speaking (1944)
- Mister Anonymous (1945 1945 )
- A Room with a View (1946)
- Christopher Crissom’s Cravat (1946)
- The Softly Silken Wallet (1946)
- Painting of the Prophet (1947 1947 )
- Introduction to a Stranger (1939 1939 )